
Factual debates instead of fake news

For the social intelligence platform CommonRound, the DFKI, in collaboration with Eatch, developed a user interface that enables qualified debates on current topics.

DFKI – Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence)
UX Concept, Interface Design, Responsive Web Design
1 month with 1 person
UX design for online liquiddemocracy platform


How can factual online debates on current topics be facilitated? How can a user interface minimize participants’ preconceived opinions and bias?


An easy-to-use online platform with a neutral user interface that allows users free forming of judgments. The debates are clearly structured. Pro and con arguments can be enriched with information and then be evaluated individually and objectively by all participants.


NLP technology (Natural Language Processing) and the specially designed user interface make debates easily accessible and transparent to all participants. CommonRound enables direct participation in democratic processes on a basis of well-founded arguments and debates, thus opposing fake news. The project was presented as part of VisionSummit 2016 (Social Inclusion – Future For All) as well as at CeBIT 2017.

Web design for debating platform landingpage
Interface design for debating about topics
Rating user interface with arguments and comparison

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